Other than crash dumps, please do not send e-mail direct to me (simon@sdr-radio.com).
The frequently asked questions
are here.
Make sure you are using the latest kit as your problem may have been fixed.
Please upload crash dumps to the cloud (Dropbox, One Drive, ...) and send an email to me, simon@sdr-radio.com. More...
A traditional mailing list is hosted at https://sdr-radio.groups.io . A great way to get support with standard e-mail.
Start a new thread in the
online support forum with a summary of the problem in the Subject field.
🔗 Screenshots and logfiles should be attached, not entered in the body of the message as images will have the resolution reduced. Provide as much information as you can. And don't forget the screenshot!
Windows has a built-in tool DirectX Diagnsotics which provides a full description of your computer.
If you see a small 'Please Wait' window followed by a BugTrap error report please upload the contents of the error report to the cloud.
If a program freezes you can create a dump file with the Task Manager. Dump files are used with Visual Studio.
The software requires the C++ 2010 and 2013 Redistributable kits from Microsoft, these are contained in the SDR-Radio.com kits and installed on your system.
A checklist for SDRs with an ethernet interface.
The logfile contains copious diagnostic information, in the event of a problem save the logfile to a text file.
For more information look at the support group in case a driver update is causing problems.
The registry is used to store frequency accessed settings and the program layout.
You can reset the layout, settings and user definitions.
The program comes with a built-in screenshot facility, after all, a picture paints a thousand words. Look for the camera icon, click to take a screenshot and forward in your mailings as an attachment.
A checklist for SDRs with a USB interface.
The user group is an online forum hosted by Groups.io with thousands of members.
Many definitions such as Favourites and memories are stored in XML files in the user folder.