After starting the radio select Radio Configuration from the Home pane of the ribbon bar.
First select your model on the PA | Model page. The model selection determines the PWR (Power) calibration.
- CW
- Pre-amp
- Microphone | PTT
- Output Pins
- PA | Model
- Speaker latency
- Visual Gain (RX)
- Help
Each page is described in detail below.
The ANAN hardware has full Iambic keyer logic built into the firmware, the keyer supports mode A and B. When the CW memory keyer is added to the console an extra panel will be available with the WPM available for easy selection.
Currently only the 6m pre-amp can be enabled, check first whether your hardware supports this pre-amp.
Microphone | PTT
These options are only used by the microphone connected to the ANAN hardware.
Output Pins
Use the open collector output pins for remote antenna and/or amplifier control. Seven pins are selectable for each band.
PA | Model
Some models can enable/disable the PA.
Select the model - the model determines the PWR calibration in the meter window of the main console display.
Speaker Latency
Here you optimise the host speaker/headphone latency. Two settings:
- Receiver audio - used when the demodulated audio is routed through the 'Speakers on Radio' option.
- TX Monitor - used when monitoring your own audio.
Visual Gain (RX)
Increase the visual gain for each ADC on the hardware.
Here you:
- View the online help,
- Show the ANAN discovery packet which shows:
- MAC address
- Board type
- Protocol and firmware version
- Hardware Capability which is based on the board type.