Version 3.0.3 supports the long-awaited digital decoder. The modes supported are:
- PSK: 31, 64 and 125
- RTTY: All combinations of speed, with, bits and parity.
More modes to be added later.
StartingFrom the ribbon bar, View pane, More Options panel press Select then enable Digital Decoder. After a restart a new entry is shown in the More Options panel.
The options are selected from the buttons on the left of the display:
- ○ Enable or disable the digital decoder display
- 🔒 Lock the decoder frequency, if not set the decoder tracks the active receiver
- ✪ Take a screenshot
- ✘ Erase the text window
- 🗘 Replay the data buffer
- 📖 Show all received text in your default text viewer
- ⊞ Change the window layout
- ▶ Increase the display bandwidth
- ◀ Decrease the display bandwidth
The mode is selected from the list on the left. As you select a mode the mode-specific options at the top of the display are updated.