Use Console Streaming to display the data from a primary SDR Console instance on a second (or even third) PC. The radio connected to the primary (host) instance is shared with one or more additional SDR Consoles (clients).
Version 3.0.25 has a Child instance button in the Ribbon bar, with one click a new instance is started.
The client computer display and audio is all yours, not shared with the primary (host) computer. As you tune the client the primary (host) is not changed. The streaming bandwidth is higher however.
Compared to a remote server:
1) The primary SDR Console instance (PC#1) is connected to a specialised VHF SDR station currently monitoring 144MHz for Tropo / Sporadic E openings.
You are in another room or in your garden with SDR Console on a laptop (PC#2) and want to display the same 144MHz spectrum, tuning on signals of interest.
2) The primary SDR Console instance (PC#1) is connected to an SDR which is making a 24 hour data recording.
Display and demodulate signals without interfering with possibly disrupting the primary instance.
3) The primary SDR is a transceiver such as the ELAD FDM-DUO running in your radio room tuned to 40m.
You are sitting in the garden monitoring the same band from your laptop.
SDR Console on PC#1:
SDR Console on PC#2:
⚠️ Normally a private network will not block UDP traffic between the host and client. If you cannot Connect check the firewall (link provided).
Only use console streaming over the LAN (local area network). Currently the protocol uses UDP, TCP may be added later.
The bandwidth in Mbps (megabits per sample) is approximately 16 * bandwidth, so streaming 2 megabytes bandwidth requires sustainable network bandwidth of ~32 Mbps. You should be able to stream a 5 megabyte bandwidth over a wired network.
Don't forget the incoming data uses UDP; if you do not hear audio and there's nothing in the waterfall you may have to open the UDP listener port.
In the examples below the router is a TP Link Archer AX50.
Version 3.0.25 has a Child instance button in the Ribbon bar, with one click a new instance is started.
The Child Instance: