This software is designed for Windows on the x86 hardware only, Windows on the Raspberry Pi is not supported. Although the software runs on older Core 2 Duo systems with 32-bit Windows 7, the recommended absolute minimum system configuration is:
This software works well with Windows 11.
Keep your computer cool! A user had unexpected reboots of his Intel® Core™ i7-4770K (2013) computer, turns out the CPU thermal paste had dried up, the temperature was rising and the CPU went on strike. Electronics (and programmers) work better when they are cool.
To ensure support for SDR solutions coming to market over the next few years at least a third-generation Intel CPU such as i5-3570 or i7-3770 should be used as these new SDR receivers will offer bandwidths of 20MHz or more which in turn require significant processing power and internal bandwidth.
The 10th generation CPUs from Intel offer amazing performance, you really don't need more than an i5.
Enhance performance with NVIDIA CUDA or OpenCL (below).
A dedicated graphics card ensures a good, 'fluid' experience. The software uses DirectX which makes full use of any graphics processing on your computer.
The NVIDIA GTX 1650 Super is an excellent choice. It can drive two 4k monitors with ease and has spare memory and power for DSP processing. Bigger cards are better but use more power (electricity).
If you have neither a GPU nor CPU with integrated graphics then the processing uses the CPU resulting in higher CPU usage.
Newer motherboards generally user faster chipsets.
You don't need a super gaming Motherboard with all the extra overclocking options, a mid-range board should suffice.
8GB or more, you don't need more than 16GB.
Use SSD - faster and more reliable than a spinner.
Either buy a second disk for bakcups, or use a cloud solution.
Use a HD monitor (1920 x 1080) or if finances allow a 4k monitor - if you buy a 4k make sure your graphics card will run a 4k monitor at a 60Hz refresh rate.
An important feature is the low CPU requirement, achieved by:
The result of saving cycles during the processing is that it's possible to implement a more fluid and mature user interface, especially the spectrum and waterfall with opaque overlays.
If the CPU usage is higher than desired:
Modern graphics cards are parallel processors which are ideal for some CPU-intensive tasks such as FFT (Fast Fourier transform) which is used to generate the frequency domain data shown in the waterfall and spectrum.
When you use a SDR with a high bandwidth (Airspy R2, ELAD S2/S3, SDRplay, ...) of 5 MHz or more the FFT processing load may be noticeable, this can be run on your graphics card using NVIDIA CUDA or OpenCL.