You can ignore the message "IQ imbalance compensation is not possible on this device (depends on whether IQ balance enabled or not)" - your SDR does not support onboard IQ imbalance correction.
You can ignore the message "Unable to set the thread priority. Performance may be negatively affected." - the current version of UHD does not support thread priorities.
Boost_INCLUDE_DIR E:/boost_1_70_0Boost_LIBRARY_DIR E:/boost_1_70_0/lib64-msvc-14.2LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS E:/libusb-1.0.22/include/libusb-1.0LIBUSB_LIBRARIES E:/libusb-1.0.2/MS64/dll/libusb-1.0.lib
// Default recv_frame_size. Must not be a multiple of 512.//static const int B200_USB_DATA_DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE = 8176; // SJB is OKstatic const int B200_USB_DATA_DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE = (8176 * 2); // SJB is OK// recv_frame_size values below this will be upped to this valuestatic const int B200_USB_DATA_MIN_RECV_FRAME_SIZE = 40;static const int B200_USB_DATA_MAX_RECV_FRAME_SIZE = 16360;