Requires SDR Console v3.0.25. The interface software is based on Oscar's original code design and completely rewritten, the code on Github is not used.
The RX-666 uses the Cypress FX3, a driver is required from
Here are links to a couple of reviews. If links are broken then it's aliens to blame.
(From Oscar, IK1XPV)
BreadBoard RF103 20 June, 2017
Some variations of ExtIO_sddc.dll architecture 31 August, 2017
Troubleshooting BBR103 22 September, 2017
BBRF103 and ExtIO.dll ver. 0.96 get 32 MHz span 1 March, 2018
R820T2 update - BBRF103_2 PCB 10 April, 2018
BBRF103 - Band L reception 26 May, 2018
Just another BBRF103 version 14 August, 2018
BBRF103-2 RC3 is here! 1 September, 2018
BBRF103 Construction notes 4 May, 2019
BBRF103 Some measurements 20 May, 2019
Receivers similar to BBRF103 ? 08 June, 2020
When you connect the RX-666 to your computer it will either show up as a WestBridge or Cypress FX3 device.
If Cypress FX3 then drivers are already installed. If WestBrige then you must install the Cypress FX3 driver: