

Can you hear me now, Mother?



You must have a working microphone, regular data from the microphone driver controls the transmit processing. Check the microphone with the Spectrum window in the Transmit panel.

You can use a microphone connected to either the PC or the ANAN hardware. In the DSP panel select the microphone, the entry ✶ Microphone on Radio ✶ selects the microphone connected to the ANAN hardware. The Spectrum window in the DSP panel shows the microphone output after the gain and processing (if selected) are applied.

Adjust the gain/proc and master gain/proc (see common configuration) so that the ALC value peaks somewhere between 100 and 150. The ALC value is shown even when not in transmit.

Use the equaliser to adjust the frequency balance (see common configuration).

You do not need an expensive super-duper professional quality microphone. For development the TONOR Professional Singing Karaoke Vocal Dynamic Microphone is resulting in reports of very good quality audio. This typically costs less than $25 and comes with a 9.8ft (3m) cable!


Select the desired mode - at present only LSB, USB and AM are available, but you can always send CW!

Drive Level

With the ALC peaking between 100 and 150 switch to transmit (use either VOX or press the TX button). Adjust the drive slider to set the output level. An alternate method is to use the tone generator (see common configuration) by selecting Tone - you are then transmitting a steady tone (or tones).


If you want to hear your own audio select a playback device from the dropdown list. Monitor output is normally used when transmitting. (CW sidetone is only heard through speakers connected to the ANAN radio.)

Signal Quality

The Pure Signal approach is not yet supported by SDR Console, when available use this to ensure your signal is as clean as possible.


Bandpass Filter

Define a list of bandpass filters, these are selected in the main transmit DSP panel.


The equaliser supports three methods to adjust the frequency balance:
  1. Graphical equaliser where the input signal is passed through a bank of filters, one filter per octave. Each filter is independent with its own adjustment.
  2. Low shelf filter which adjusts the signal level below a specific frequency, and
  3. High shelf filter which adjusts the signal level above a specific frequency.
Changes are applied immediately.


For each band there are master gain settings.
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