This project only supports Windows on the x86 and x64 hardware. There are absolutely no plans whatsoever to support any other operating system or hardware.
Although Windows 7 is now end of life SDR Console still runs on Windows 7.
If you are a Windows 7 user then you are urged to upgrade to Windows 10, you can do this for free if you hurry!
All kits are on the Download page.
Version 3 of SDR Console never expires, it just keeps on running...
The suggested hardware is here.
The software supports Audio, Data and Video recording.
If you want a new feature please look at this page, If what you want not found then you can add a request.
No, there isn't. All help will be online and extended with training videos.
An advantage of online help is reading with Google Translate for users who don't have English as a first or even second language.
Commercial use does require a licence, more information is available here.
No, you can't. You can charge customers to proivde support, this is an agreement between your company and the customer.