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Even more features to explore


To avoid overloading the ribbon bar with unnecessary 'clutter', some options which are rarely used have to first be enabled by selecting More Options from the View pane in the ribbon bar.


64-bit only: Adds support for the data analyser, used for creating large-scale analysis of data (IQ) recordings. More...

CW Skimmer
Adds support for the CW Skimmer from Afreet Software, Inc. More...

Digital Decoder
The digital decoder is a simple solution for decoding common digital modes such as PSK and RTTY. More...

Data Repeater
The SDR data (IQ) is available for third-party programs via a UDP stream. More information available later in 2018. More...

External Radio
Synchronise frequency and mode with an external radio - the SDR is then used as either a panadapter¹ or alternative receiver, optionally with frequency and mode synchronised with the external radio. This is an extra window added to the receiver DSP panel, so make sure the receiver DSP is shown.
¹ Panadapter is an abbreviation for Panoramic Adapter, the SDR provides the spectrum and waterfall for the external radio. The SDR can also be used instead of the external radio's receiver as SDR is generally superior. More...

Geostationary Beacon
Display the telemetry beacon for the Es'Hail 2 geostationary satellite. The beacon can be used to correct for offsets due to the LNB. More...

Provides full satellite support:
  • Rotator information via DDE
  • Doppler correction
More information here.

Trunk Voice Following
Adds support for trunk tracking and voice forwarding, more information here.
Note: You must restart the program after changing the selected options.
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